Напиши короткую историю на тему: Памятный день. 80-120 слов. На английском! ПЖ НЕ С ИНТЕРНЕТА, А САМИ!

fedyaeff80: А какое у вас событие-то?
RI123: Любое можно
fedyaeff80: Го дружить?


Ответ дал: fedyaeff80

This moment will stay forever in my memory. It was a day, when I went to school for the first time. Everybody was happy. There were hundreds of students and their parents. One could see many flowers, balloons and colorful decorations everywhere. I saw a group of small children gathered together. It was my class. I also saw a young woman of 20. It was a first teacher of mine. She lead us to a big room which was our classroom.

Now I am in the ...( класс). But I will remember it forever.

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