Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets: Mikael has many friends and three of them are even (0) ______ (close)to me than my brothers. Josefa is a very good student certainly (1)______ (good) than all the other boys in my class. He also plays football very well because be is (2) ______ (fast) boy in our school team. Mark does not do any sports at all but I like him becausehe is (3) ______ (intelligent) person I know. He knows a lot about insects and other animals. He is not good at numbers because for him maths is just (4) _____(dullish) subject. Ben, is (5) _____(bad) student in our school.He fails all tests and exams and our course instructor says he is (6) ______ ( cazy) student she fas ever had. However, I think Ben is (7) ____ (clever) than my ither classmates, he just does not have time to study. He helps his mother a lot with the housework and takes care of his two (8) _____ ( young) sisters. He is also (9) ______ (kind) of all my friends. I think life is much (10) ______(real) if you have some good friends around.


Ответ дал: urcikkirill680

0) closer


2)the fastest

3)the most intelligent


5)the wors

6)the caziest



9)the kindest



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