Срочно!!! Составить, описать 1 члена семьи 5-7 предложениями (английский язык) помогите!!!


Ответ дал: sophomore
My mother is 35 years old.She has big brown eyes and straight black hair.Her height is 165 cm.My mother is kind,beautiful and clever.She is a doctor at the hospital.
Ответ дал: Ggoihd
Hello!My family is very big!I want you speak about my mother. My mother works(профессия),and she this profession likes very much. It work poorly- плохо оплачиваемая well paid- хорошо оплачиваемая(по выбору).My mother is very hardworking,but she can't always do thinks. And she is asking for help from me. Often my mother can me help with my homework,or checking. I love my mother very much!

koteykalove12: Спасибка)))
Ggoihd: позязя
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