1) she (to look) through all the newspapers every evenong
2) I ( to get) excellent marks or my entrance exaning
3) (to get up) you usually ... at seven oclock?
4)the student (not/continue) research in a laboratory tomorrow
5) the weather is nice today, but it ( to be) bad yesteday
6) Jonh and Mary ( to have) four lessons today
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Ответ дал: zorbing

1) looks (Present Simple; регулярное действие; маркер - every evening);

2) have got (действие произошло в прошлом, неизвестно когда - Present Perfect);

3) Do you usully get up ...? (Present Simple; регулярное действие; маркер - usually);

4) will not continue (Future Simple; действие произойдет в будущем, слово-подсказка - tomorrow);

5) was (Past Simple; действие произошло в прошлом, известно когда - yesterday);

6) have had (действие закончено, маркер для Present Perfect - today)

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