Use present perfect/ Past simple tense
1. Wow! I (never see) such a beautiful picture!
2. Excuse me. What (happen) in here ?
3. Sorry, but I (be) very busy lately.
4. Yes, my brother (get) married last Saturday.
5. My favorite singer (just release) a new album.
6. You (not apply) for the job yet.
7. We (not hear) about Sonia so far


Ответ дал: nunny

1. Wow! I (have never seen) such a beautiful picture!

2. Excuse me. What (has happened) in here ?

3. Sorry, but I (have been) very busy lately.

4. Yes, my brother (got) married last Saturday.

5. My favorite singer (has just released) a new album.

6. You (have not applied) for the job yet.

7. We (have not heard) about Sonia so far.

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