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1. How would you describe modern information technology?
2. What problems are caused by modern information technology?
3. What new technologies are becoming popular?
4. What other technologies do you think will be invented in the futu


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. How would you describe modern information technology?

Modern information technology is the technology involving the development, maintenance, and use of computer systems, software, and networks for the processing and distribution of data.

It isn't one particular technology but many, for example Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, automation, etc.

2. What problems are caused by modern information technology?

There are a few problems caused by modern IT, such as:

a) poor social skills (when real-life friendships are replaced with shallow “friends” in social networks, and as a result, people feel lonely and depressed);

b)  poor education (children tend to overuse technology in the classroom and use it for cheating);

c) health problems (people often get absorbed by a laptop or a tablet and tend to snack a lot, sleep less and exercise less).

3. What new technologies are becoming popular?

I think they are Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, biometrics improving security and Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality.

4. What other technologies do you think will be invented in the future?

It is hard to predict new, revolutionary technologies, but I think we can expect arrival of autonomous vehicles of all kinds – cars, taxis, trucks and ships. It would also be great to discover a way to “correct” DNA mutations and cure all diseases.

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