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You've read in a local newspaper that a new airport is going to be constructed just near your citi/town/village. Write a letter to the newspaper. Follow the guidelines:
•give some arguments to support your point of view
•either support the idea of building the airport or express your disagreement
•give some arguments against it(if any)
•confirm your point of view.
You should write 60 words at least.

...the suthorities plan to construct a big international airport nearby. The airport is going to be a busy one. Planes will be taking off and landing every five minutes. The construction of the airport will give people new jobs and will considerably improve the quality of life. The region will enjoy new business and political opportunities.

You cam start the letter like this:
Dear Editor,
I've just read the information/ news about...


Ответ дал: Gurudev

Dear Editor,
I just read the information about building a new airport in our town.. I strongly disagree and express my protest. Also disagree with this most of the inhabitants of our settlement.
The construction of the airport will bring great harm to the ecology of our area. In addition, we are not going to tolerate increased noise. In our city there are many elderly people who need peace and quiet. Take action and help us!

fajnosk: А само сочинение?
Gurudev: я перевел что они хотят, но там особого сочинять нечего. Там как бы нужно написать обращение к редактору газеты. Типа согласен он со строительством или нет.
Gurudev: Ну и почему несогласен...
fajnosk: Все вижу, спасибо большое, выручил
Вас заинтересует