Поставьте глаголы в present simple or present countunuous
1.what (you/think) about?
2.His sister (have) three cups of coffee every morning.
3.What kind of music (she/listen) to at the moment?
4.John always (get up) late on Sunday
5.Rick usually (buy) souvenirs when he (go) on holidays

maksimsabv228: https://znanija.com/task/31112527 помогите если умеете


Ответ дал: artemswatt
1 think
2 having
3 listening
4 getting up
5 buying

artemswatt: Если помог то пожалуйста подпишись и поставь лайк
maksimsabv228: https://znanija.com/task/31112527 помогите если умеете
Ответ дал: parljukljuba

1.what do you/think about?

2.His sister has three cups of coffee every morning.

3.What kind of music is she listening to at the moment?

4.John always gets up late on Sunday

5.Rick usually buys souvenirs when he goes on holidays

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