Fill in the blanks to complete sentences in Present Continuous.

1. Turn o ff the TV, nobody___it (to watch). 2. Mom is in the bathroom, sh e__a bath (to take). 3. Look! There is nice music and people__(to dance). 4. Though the weather is cold, it very much now (to snow). 5. Thereis nice party for kids, they___, __a lot here (to run, jump). 6. Mark and Sam __pork at the kitchen (to cook), 7. Your d ad __a magazine outside now (to read). 8. Jo hn __in the kitchen an d__ green tea together with his friends (to sit, to have).
9. I __about next year holiday in Switzerland now (to think). 10. Your sister is busy__on the phone upstairs now (to talk).


Ответ дал: MilkyWay637

is watching

is taking

are dancing

is snowing

are running and jumping

are cooking

is reading

is sitting is having

am thinking

is talking


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