Complete the sentences with the right prepositions of time. (Заполните предложения правильными предлогами времени.)

1. He's usually at home ____ half past three. (Обычно он дома ____ в половине четвертого. )

2. What do you usually do ___ the afternoon? (Чем ты обычно занимаешься ____ после обеда?)

3. When do you come home? ___ 4 p.m. (Когда ты возвращаешься домой? ____ 4 часа дня.)

4. When do you take a shower? ____ the morning. (Когда ты принимаешь душ? ___ утро)

5. I never watch TV ____ night. ( Когда ты принимаешь душ? ____ утро. )
Срочно!! Нужно прямо сейчас!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: grande01
1) he usually at home half past three.
2)what do u usually do in the afternoon?
3)when do u come home? At 4 p.m
4)When do you take a shower?at the morning.
5) I never watch tv at night

lenaakulshina80: А тут тоже надо: He's usually at home ____ half past three.
grande01: At half past three
Ответ дал: nunny

1. He's usually at home _at___ half past three.

2. What do you usually do _in__ the afternoon?

3. When do you come home? __At_ 4 p.m.

4. When do you take a shower? __In__ the morning.

5. I never watch TV __at__ night.

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