Помогите с заданием. Условные предложения.

2. Match choices (1—5) to (A—E) and make up sentences as in the example,
using Conditional I constructions.
С 1) rain/tomorrow
2) have a headache
3) wake up early
4) go to Rome
5) do well/in exams
A) see the Coliseum
B) go jogging
C) stay at home
D) parents/buy a computer
E) take an aspirin
1) If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

2)  If I have a headache, I"ll take an aspirin (2-E)

3)  If I wake up early, I'll go jogging. (3-B)

4)  If we go to Rome, we'll see the Coliseum. (4-A)

5) If I do well in exams, my parents will buy a computer. (5-D)

Ответ дал: nunny

1) If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.

2) If I have a headache, I will E) take an aspirin.

3) If I wake up early, I will B) go jogging.

4) If I go to Rome, A) I shall see the Coliseum.

5) If I do well in exams, D) parents will buy a computer.

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