Пожалуйста помогите

Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, используя выражение there is/ there are.

1 В этой комнате много мебели.
2 Есть труд, который называется «Исследование природы и причин благосостояния народов».
3 В этом докладе нет никакого смысла.
4 На нашем заводе есть свой экономист.
5 В Туле много самоваров.
6 В статье поставлен серьёзный вопрос.
7 На столе лежат письма от управляющего.

Задание 2. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.

1 То the left of the window you (to see) a sofa.
2 He (to like) reading very much.
3 My sister (to play) the piano well.
4 My parents (to have) a flat in a new district.
5 He sometimes (to give) me English books.
6 Nina's brother (to have) a piano.
7 I often (to go) to see my friend's family.
8 He (to work) at a factory.


Ответ дал: nunny

1 There is a lot of furniture in this room.

2 There is a work that is called "Study of the nature and causes of the welfare of nations."

3 There is no sense in this report.

4 There is its own economist at our factory.

5 There are many samovars i Tula.

6 There was a serious question raised int the article.

7 There are letters from the manager lying on the table.

1 То the left of the window you (can see) a sofa.

2 He (likes) reading very much.

3 My sister (plays) the piano well.

4 My parents ( have) a flat in a new district.

5 He sometimes gives me English books.

6 Nina's brother has got a piano.

7 I often go to see my friend's family.

8 He works at a factory.

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