Преврати следующие предложения в Пассивные.
Turn the following sentences into the Passive.
1) She writes short stories.
2) He organized the party.
3) They will discuss this novel.
4) The professor is asking the students.
5) We were washing cars.
6) Somebody has cleaned the flat.
7) She offered me a cup of tea.
8) They check passports at Passport Control.
9) A million people visit the cathedral every year.
10) Someone has stolen Mike's bicycle.
11) The water the flowers regularly.
12) A boy showed her the way.
13) Mr. Wilson will teach you English.
14) By six o'clock they had finished the work.
15) They are building a new concert hall in our street.
16) I have translated the whole text.
17) We were playing tennis from four till five.
18) They have offered him the job.
19) She will send you a fax.
20) The bomb destroyed the building.


Ответ дал: stesha2013

) Short stories are written by her.

2) The party is organized by him.

3) This novel is discussed by them.

4) The students are asked by professor.

5) Cars were washed by us.

6) The flat was cleaned by somebody.

7) The cup of tea was offered by her .

8) Passports are checked at Passport Control.

9) The cathedral is visited by million people every year.

10) Mike's bicycle is stolen by someone.

11) Flowers are watered by them regularly.

12) Her way was shown by the boy.

13) You will be taught English by Mr. Wilson.

14) Their work was finished by six o'clock.

15) The new concer hall is being build in our street by them.

16) The whole text was translated by me.

17) Our tennis game was played from four till five.

18) He was offered the job from them.

19) The fax will be send by her.

20) The building was destroyed by bomb.

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