Придумай десять предложений с неправильными глаголами в трёх временах: Present Simple, Present Continuous and Past Simple
Желательно, чтобы были не только повествовательные, но и отрицательные предложения и вопросы


Ответ дал: natashamun94

She runs out of money every ending on the month

Does he live in the village?

I don't mind where the concert takes place

I am going to the theatre witn John right now

Are you doing your homework?

She isn't listening to the radio,she is listening to her new cd player

I saw you two weeks ago,you were with your new girlfriend

She didn't take her umbrella

Did she let him go away?


ksyunia06: Простите, но сдесь только 9 предложений
natashamun94: I don't know hom at all. Будет десятым. Сори
natashamun94: Him*
ksyunia06: Спасибо огромное!!!!!
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