Придумайте пожалуйста предложения на английском,со словами:Newest, biggest,smallest,heaviest,worst,darkest,wreck,widest,deepest,sharpest.

nastjablook: Предложегия должны быть такого типа:„Кошка милее собаки".
nastjablook: Предложения*


Ответ дал: modeod

We use the newest technology for this smartphone

Everest is the biggest mount on the Earth.

It's the heaviest car in the world.

It's the worth song I have ever heard.

It's the darkest place I have ever seen.

It's the smallest car in the world

It's the deepest sea in the world

It's the widest road I have ever seen

С sharpest и wreck ничего не придумал

modeod: Pacific Ocean is the deepest ocean in the world (Pacific Ocean - Тихий океан) будет лучше для слова deepest
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