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Ответ дал: stesha2013

I am going to move to London.

I am going to fly to the Moon

I am going to marry at 25

My wife is going to become a famous actress

My wife and my children are going to travel all over the world

We are going to eat in restaurants every day

I am going to open a flying school in England

Kingden41kuspro: спасибо
Kingden41kuspro: блин
Kingden41kuspro: чел ты серьёзно
stesha2013: не поняла ?
Ответ дал: andromaniud777
1.I am going to move to London.
2.I am going to fly to the moon.
3.I am going to Marry at 25.
4.My wife is going to become a famous actress.
5.My wife and my children are going to travel all over the world.
6.We are going to eat a restaurants every day.
7.I am going to open a flying school in England.
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