Помогите пожалуйста решить задания. Очень прошу

B. Change these active sentences into the passive so that they sound

more natural.

1. Workers plant the gold variety of the kiwifruit worldwide.

2. Workers in France make these Renault cars.

3. Farmers grow this rice in India.

4. The employers asked the staff for their opinions.

5. A mechanic is repairing my car at the moment.

6. Somebody has found the missing file.

7. Somebody made this toy in Japan.


Ответ дал: natashamun94

The gold variety of the kiwifruit is planted by workers worldwide.

These renault cars are made in France by workers

The rice is grown by farmers in India

The staff was asked for their options by employees

My car is being repaired by mechanic at the moment

The missing file has been found by somebody

This toy was made by somebody in Japan.


РЫБАМеч: Большое спасибо!!!! :)
natashamun94: Нез)
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