Ответьте на вопросы пожалуйста
1. Do you think it is better for a scientist to work on his own or with colleagues?
2. Is natural curiosity a sign of a future scientist? Do you possess this quality?
3. Is it true that some famous scientists were quite mediocre in their childhood?
4. Do scientists have to work to meet deadlines?
5. What is your attitude to plagiarism in science and in studying?
6. Is it a good idea to use websites which seem dubious for your studies?
7. Who do you think is the most prolific scientist / inventor of all time?


Ответ дал: ilgar111

1)Scientist better work with colleagues

2)Natural curiosity is a sign of a future scientist.No,I do not have this guality

3)Yes true

4)I think no


I think that this is not right


7)Извините но на этот вопрос я не могу ответить

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