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Lucy couldn’t believe her eyes when she opened the front door

слов должно быть в пределах 140-190



Ответ дал: лёёк

Lucy couldn’t believe her eyes when she opened the front door. She saw a beautiful lady. She was amazed and couldn't say a word. Her eyes were wide opened and she even could start crying right now. The lady that was standing in front of her was a magic and magnificent fairy. That came here to make all her dreams come try. Make Lucy the happiest person in the world. The lady had blue eyes, long and blonde hair, she was smiling and her eyes were very kind. She gave Lucy a small flower, like a rose, bot more beautiful and said that whenever she makes a wish and holds that flower in her hands, the wish wikll definately come true. Lucy noded and understood everything. The fairy smiled once again and waved her hand to say goodbye to Lucy. Tje girl wanted to hug her, but the latter had already left the place.

words: 154

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