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Ответ дал: crazyguyea


  1. at
  2. during
  3. on
  4. for
  5. in
  6. at
  7. in
  8. in


  1. at
  2. of
  3. at
  4. for a
  5. on
  6. in


  1. We went to the computer shop on foot.
  2. I put your laptop on your desk.
  3. The computer programming lesson is at five o'clock
  4. Today we had a French lesson for two hours.
  5. Do you want to meet this Friday at the city centre?
  6. Robert never plays computer games in the week.
Ответ дал: eesoo

1. at, at(during), on, for, in, in, at, on.

2. on, of, at, on(?), at, in.

3. 1)we went in the computer shop on foot.

2)i put your laptop in your desk.

3)the computer programming lesson is at 5 o'clock.


5)do you want to meet the city centre in this friday.

6)robert never plays computer games on the week.

eesoo: во втором предложении 3 задания опечатка, не in the desk, а on
eesoo: приношу свои извинения, если есть ошибки
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