1)Who had an apple tree in the garden?
2)Who decided to cut down the tree?
3)Who took an axe and came up to the Apple tree
4)Who saw the axe
5)Who asked the peasant not to cut the tree down?
6)Who couldn't live in the garden where there was no apple tree?
7)Who was happy when he saw the honey and the bees?



Ответ дал: gonefludd227

1)Кто яблоней в саду?

2) кто решил срубить дерево?

3)Кто взял топор и подошел к яблоне

4)Кто видел топор

5)кто просил крестьянина не рубить дерево?

6) Кто не мог жить в саду, где не было яблони?

7)Кто был счастлив, когда увидел мед и пчел?

supersever2006: Мне не нужен перевод а ответ мне нужен
Ответ дал: Аноним

1.the farmer had an Apple tree

2.Apple tree wanted to cut down the farmer

3.the farmer took an axe and went to the Apple-tree

4.the axe saw Sparrow and grasshopers

5.Sparrow  and grasshopers asked the farmer not to cut down the tree

6.the grasshopper Sparrow and can't live without Apple

7.the farmer was happy to see bees and honey in the tree

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