Три вопроса по английскому языку
16. Match the halves.
1. She left and returned in .. minutes 2. Please, don't put ... pepper on the meat. He wasn't strong ... to lift that heavy box.
4. I didn't buy the car because it was... expensive.
5. I like skating ... much.
a)very. d) much
b) enough. e)too
c)a few



Ответ дал: khadija4382
14) b
15) c
16) 1. She left and returned in a few minutes.
2. Please don't put much pepper on the meat. ( сюда вариант а) тоже подходит )
3. He wasn't strong enough to lift that heavy box.
4. I didn't buy the car because it was too expensive.
5. I like skating very much.
Ответ дал: nunny

1. She left and returned in c)a few.. minutes

2. Please, don't put d) much... pepper on the meat.

3. He wasn't strong b) enough... to lift that heavy box.

4. I didn't buy the car because it was e)too... expensive.

5. I like skating a)very... much.

14. Choose the words with negative meaning.

b) lazy, dishonest

c) unreliable,

e) uncertain,

15. Choose the irregular verbs.

a) know, pay,

c) break, cut, give, keep

d) write, understand, have

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