Translate the sentences (use Present Perfect or Past Simple)



Ответ дал: arisshadreamer
1)The concert has just started. Yesterday it started much later.
2)He broke his leg last year. He hasn't skated since that.
3)Here are your shoes. I have just cleaned them.–Thank you, but I cleaned them last evening.
4)How long have you worked at this shop?–For 5 years.–When did you become a manager?–Half a year ago.
5)My brother has written several novels. He finished the tenth book yesterday.
6)Where have you been?–I have already finished my lunch.
7)Have you ever tried to give up smoking?–I tried two years ago, but I started to put on weight.
8)Have you heard news? Our neighbors have moved to Germany.–When did they move?–They moved last week.
9)I have never slept in the tent, but I slept on the bench last year.
10)Today it has been very foggy since the morning. It was foggy yesterday, too.

Aszoidziak: Вы хорошо знате английский?
arisshadreamer: Достаточно, могу отличать Past Simple от Past Perfect)
Aszoidziak: Спрашиваю,чтобы точно быть уверенной,что всё правильно
Aszoidziak: Сама пока не очень понимаю(
arisshadreamer: нет, в этом я уверена
Aszoidziak: Спасибо
arisshadreamer: пожалуйста
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