ответьте на вопросы СРОЧНООООООО!!!! ПО ТЕКСТУ
What's your name? do you live in Moscow or in Leningrad? DO you live in the centre of Moscow? Do Are you a teacher? What do you do? Where do you work? Where do you go in the evening? when do you have your English? What language do you learn? at do you do during the lessons? What are you doing now? lessons? Where do you do your exercises? Do y Do y ou usualy do many exercises in class? ou do many exercises at home or not? ou often speak English to your teacher? What language do you usually speak in class? where do you go after classes? what kind of books do you usually read? Are you reading now? Do you sometimes speak English before and after classes? Are you speaking English or Russian now?



Ответ дал: mariiazol
1. My name's Petrov.
2. I live in Moscow.
3. Yes, I do. I live in the centre of Moscow
4. No, I'm not. I am not a teacher.
5. I am an engineer and I'm also a student.
6. I work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade.
7. В тексте не сказано. Например: I usually go for a walk in the park in the evening.
8. We have our English in the morning.
9. I learn English.
10. During the lessons we read our text-book and do a lot of exercises.
11. We're looking at the blackboard now.
12. We do exercises during the lessons.
13. Yes, we do. We do a lot of exercises in class.
14. В тексте не сказано. Например, We do many exercises at home.
15. Yes, we do. We speak English to our teacher.
16. We usually speak English in class.
17. В тексте не сказано, например, I go to the library after classes.
18. В тексте не сказано, например, I usually read science fiction books.
19. В тексте не сказано, например, No, I'm not. I am speaking now.
20. В тексте не сказано, например, Yes, I do. I sometimes practise English after classes.
21. I am speaking English now.

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