Пожалуйста помогите сделать задание, очень срочно нужно !



Ответ дал: marisichka
1. They have just found an interesting book.
An interesting book has just been found.
2. Ann will have writ­ten a new article by Monday.
A new article will have been written by Monday.
3. Nelly had already invited us.
We had already been invited.
4. She has just made tea for all of us.
Tea has just been made for all of us.
5. He has never told the truth.
The truth has never been told.
6. Pete has not bought a new pair of trousers yet.
A new pair of trousers has not been bought yet.
7.I have met the postman re­cently.
The postman has been met recently.
8. Nick has already shut the door.
The door has already been shut.
9. Have you graduated from the university?
Has the university been graduated from?
10. Have you finished the article?
Has the article been finished?
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