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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive form.

1.Ishmael always.....(get) bored if he stays at home.

2.John asked his brother if he .......ever......(want) to go to sea.

3. We.......(walk) down to the water's edge to admire the view.

4. After the passengers.......(eat) dinner, they went up on desk.

5. Manhattan.......(build) before Melville wrote his novel.

6. The ship's crew...... usually.......(pay) in cash at the end of a voyage.

7. I.......(order) by the captain to clean the cabins.

8. The captain said that the ship .........(not/leave) the port because of the bad weather.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. gets

2. had ever wanted

3. walked

4. had eaten

5. had been built

6. are usually paid

7. was ordered

8. hadn't left

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