перепиши предложения, выбрав правильную форму глаголов.
1) My brother (play/plays) video games.
2) My granny and my mum (cook/cooks) in the afternoon.
3) The little girl (ride/rides) her bike by the school.
4) Kate and Sally (see/sees) nice pink flowers on the desk.
5) My dad (sing/sings) good songs.
6) This pupil (have/has) five English books.

21012001z: plays
21012001z: cooks
21012001z: rides
21012001z: has
21012001z: sings
21012001z: sees


Ответ дал: CloserToTheEdge
my brother plays video games.
my granny and my mum cook in the afternoon.
the little girl rides her bike by the school.
Kate and Sally see nice pink flowers on the desk.
my dad sings good songs .
this pupil has 5 English books.
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