Помогите пожалуйста! Заранее спасибо.
1) Put the words in order to make sentences. In one sentence, there is more than one possibility.
1. vanilla / went / ice cream / she / for / the
She went for the vanilla ice cream.
2. gets / away / studying / he / always / with / not
3. with / plan / she / came / a / great / up
4. they / brought / many / about / changeas / have
5. is / her / taking / career / off / a / as / translator


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. +
2. He always gets away with studying. (not -лишний )
3. She came up with a great plan.
4. They have brought about many changes.
5. She is taking a career as a translator. ( off- лишний )
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