Fill in with all, each, every
Пожалуйста помогите, срочно нужно
1)... good things come to an end.2) There are five leaflets please take one of... .3) present had to make presentation.4) We... feel that something is going wrong.5) There were six new players invited. ...of them represented a different team.6) The play was great. I enjoyed ... now and then. 7) They and them.8) The flood took away... their belongings.9) She bought three avocados at 23 lei....10) We have decided to go swimming... other Sunday.


Ответ дал: aluaturalyk
1) All
2) each
3) Every
4) all
5) All
6) every
7) each, every
8) all
9) each
10) every
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