IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect Tense.

1. When he (come) home his wife (cook) dinner.
2. When I (come) to his place he (leave) already.
3. What you (do) yesterday at 10.20 p.m.? - Mr. X.: I (play) chess with my brother.
4. The policeman asked me if I (see) the accident.
5. He (write) a letter by 5 o'clock yesterday.
6. I (put) my hand in my pocket for the money, but it (be) empty.
7. When I (get) to the cinema, the film (start).


Ответ дал: crooplev

1. When he came home his wife was cooking dinner.

2. When I came to his place he had already left.

3. What were you doing yesterday at 10.20 p,m,? - Mr. X: I was playing tennis with my brother.

4. The policeman asked me if I saw the accident.

5. He had written a letter by 5 o'clock yesterday.

6. I had put my hand in my pocket for the money, but it was empty.

7. When I got to the cinema, the film had started.

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