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Ответ дал: 100456570743
a price-цена, a watch-часы, an address-адрес, a tree-дерево, a place-место, a job-работа, a plan-план, a way-далеко, a bride-невеста.

ratalice: 1. a ticket price
100456570743: цена билета
Ответ дал: ratalice

1. a price of ticket

2. a price of watch

3. a price of bottle of water

4. an address of our office

5. an address of the university

6. a name of this tree

7.a name pf this place

8. a name of this street

9. many of these trees

10. some of these workplaces

11. not many of our plans

12. some of our watch

13. one of the prices

14. one of these ways

15. one of these places

16. many of brides

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