переделайте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные

We will buy some souvenirs in Wales.

Tourists will climb the mountain in good weather.

She will take more pictures in the national park.

Our group will visit the most ancient castles of the country.

The government will build new hotel in this region soon.


Ответ дал: D3V0uR

1. Shall(Well) we buy some souvenirs in Wales?

We won`t buy some souvenirs in Wales

2. Will tourists climb the mountain in good wether?

Tourists won`t climb the mountain in good weather

3. Will she take more pictures in the national park?

She won`t take more pictures in the national park

4. Will our group visit the most ancient castles of the country?

Out group won`t visit the most ancient castles of the country

5. Will government build new hotel in this region soon?

Government won`t build new hotel in this region soon

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