1. Chuckles has got two big ... . (foot) 2. Baby Alex has got one small ... . (tooth) 3. All the .... (child) in the class have got new books. 4. Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are funny ... . (mouse) 5. These ... (man) are from the UK. 6. Look! This ... (fish) is pink and green! 7. Is that ... (woman) your mother? 8. Have you got any ... (sheep) on your farm?


Ответ дал: muro4ka98

1 feet

2 tooth

3 children

4 mice

5 men

6 fish

7 woman

8 sheep

Ответ дал: sweetylady

1) feet

2) tooth

3) children

4) mice

5) man

6) fish

7) woman


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