Помогите пожалуйста прошу очень срочнооо
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1.My mother (work) at home, but she (go) this month in Italy.
2.Tom usually (drive) to work.
3.When the film (finish) today?
4.What’s your brother (do) now?
5.He (make) the airplane every day.
6.She (eat) cake every day.
7.I (cook) this dinner at the moment?
8.I often (fly) to Moscow.
9.I usually (play)?
10.What she (do) now? — She (wash) her husband’s socks.
11.He (not travel) by train very often.
12.It (snow) right now?


Ответ дал: sarkhanm879

1 My mother works at home,but she goes this month in Italy

2 Tom usually driving to work.

3 when the film finishing today?

4 what is your brother doing now?

5 he makes the airplane every day

6 she eats cake every day

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