Пожалуйста, помогите ооочень нужно
Нужно вставить many или much
1. How ... eggs are there in the fridge, Paul? 2. We don't need ... orange juice. 3. We haven't got... potatoes. 4. Is there ... meat in the fridge? 5. Do you really need so ... sugar? 6. There isn't … fruit at home, and there isn't... fish either. 7. He says he couldn't bring ... carrots. 8. You should take all your clothes with you. I know you don't have ... clothes. 9. Have you got... money? 10. He doesn't think ... policemen have arrived.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. many
2. much
3. many
4. much
5. much
6. much / much
7. many
8. much
9. much
10. many

Elena2901: А почему в 6 пред. Там же не много фруктов) фрукты во мн.ч. ?)
Elena2901: Почему many)?
AripovZ: исправлено
Elena2901: Спасибо большое за помощь)))
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