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Ответ дал: mellow2014

ex. 4

1. balanced diet

2. junk food

3. put on weight

4. sugary drinks

5. stay up late

6. take short breaks


1. sugary drinks

2. stay up late

3. put on weight

4. take short breaks

5. junk food

6. balanced diet

Ответ дал: nunny

4  Fill in: put on weight,  balanced diet, stay up late, junk food, sugary drinks, take short breaks.

1 Don't drink too many sugary drinks; they can damage your teeth.

2 Ulan shouldn't stay up late every night because he is always tired in the morning.

3 If you don't exercise you might put on weight.

4 It's important to take short breaks when you're working hard.

5 Sue is not healthy because all she eats is junk food such as chips and burgers.

6 Having a balanced diet is important for good health.

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