Составьте 10 предложений со словами: Read books, meet my friends, go swimming, go windsurfing, go cycling, paint, play computer games, go fishing, actor, director, artist, footballist, player, writer, paintor, cyclist, presenter.

Scram: То есть, нужно составить 10 предложений, в которых будут все эти слова, верно?
artempehenko93: ну допустим выбираешь 10 слов и с ними составляешь 10 предложений. Заранее спасибо


Ответ дал: khmarrrrrka
1Cyclist is going cycling now
2I am going to swim at the moment
3My friends played computer games yesterday
4 I was reading books when my mom cooked
5 I will going to windsurfing next month
6 I meet my friends yesterday
7 Ronaldo is a very good footballs player
( footballist)
8. I will start paint a picture tomorrow
9 J.k Rowling is a writer a books Harry Potter
10 Irina Fedishyn is my school director

artempehenko93: Только director здесь это режиссёр, но все равно спасибо!
khmarrrrrka: Ааа
khmarrrrrka: Ну тогда можно : Director of the film .... is ...
Ответ дал: rfanis71mailru

My dad is director.

I reading a book.

My mom is actor.

My brother is footballist.

He plays computer games.

Bob goes to swim.

I painted the fence.

My friend is an artist.

Sally goes to fishing.

Betty goes to windsurfing.

Надеюсь правильно.

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