ППОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!! complete the text. Use the correct form of the present simple or present continuous. Jake Newson...



Ответ дал: nunny

Jake Newson is ten years old. He lives in New York with his family. He  (1 plays)  with his friends in Central Park most days after school. 'I (2 do not see) my dad much/ says Jason, 'because he  (3 works) very hard. At the moment he (4 is working) in Europe. Next month he (5 is taking) a two weeks' holiday and we (6 are going)  to Florida. Dad (7 wants) to stay at home - he (8 does not want) to go on holiday. But my brother and I (9 love) holidays! Dad (10 understands) that.'

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