Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect. 1. I don't know this girl. I never (meet) her before. 2. "Where is mother?" - "She just (go) out." 3. "Don't you know what the film is about?" - "No, I (not/see) it." 4. "Don't worry about the letter. I already (post) it." 5. "Is he a good teacher?" - " Oh, yes. He (help) me a lot." 6. He knows London perfectly well. He (be) there several times. 7. I cannot find my umbrella. I think someone (take) it by mistake. 8. "Do you speak Spanish?" - "No. I never (study) it." 9. "Do you know, where they have gone?" - "No. They (sell) their house and (not/leave) their new address."


Ответ дал: mikirin94

1. have never met

2.has just gone

3.have not seen

4. have already posted

5. has helped

6. has been

7. has taken

8. have never studied

9. have sold, have not left

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