Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, используя Future Simple или be going to.
She is sure that he ___________ (not/manage) to catch the train.
Next year we _______________ (travel) together around Europe.
The athletes soon _________ (return) from the competition.
His parents think Jim __________ (become) a doctor one day.
They have bought new sports shoes. They ___________ (start) running next week.
It’s getting dark. I ___________ (turn) on the light.
They __________ (be) eighteen next month.
Scientists for sure _________ (find) a cure for this disease.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму будущего времени.

There's no point in running now. We ________ (miss) the bus anyway.
Yes, I'll come out this evening. I _______________(not/work).
You can relax. The match ______________ (not/start) until four o'clock.
I __________ (go) to the market this afternoon. Do you want anything?
Are you OK, Donna? You look like you ________________(faint).
You realize that the boss _______________ (not/like) this, don't you?
I ________________ (cook) dinner this evening - as usual.
She _______________ (look) for a new flat next year.
Don't worry. The shops _________ (not close) until eight o'clock tonight.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, используя Future Simple или be going to.

She is sure that he won't manage to catch the train.

Next year we are going to travel together around Europe.

The athletes soon will return from the competition.

His parents think Jim will become a doctor one day.

They have bought new sports shoes. They are going to start running next week.

It’s getting dark. I will turn on the light.

They will be eighteen next month.

Scientists for sure will find a cure for this disease.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму будущего времени.

There's no point in running now. We will miss the bus anyway.

Yes, I'll come out this evening. I'm not going to work.

You can relax. The match won't start until four o'clock.

I am going to the market this afternoon. Do you want anything?

Are you OK, Donna? You look like you are going to faint.

You realize that the boss won't like this, don't you?

I will be cooking dinner this evening - as usual.

She will look for a new flat next year.

Don't worry. The shops won't close until eight o'clock tonight.

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