write sentences with can or can't and the words in the box. Then write P(permission) or A(ability) next to each sentence.



Ответ дал: luind

1. She can speak Italian and Japanese. (A)

2. Can I watch that film on TV? (P)

3. My grandparents cannot use computer, but they want to learn. (A)

4. I am sorry. You cannot go to the cinema now. (P)

5. He loves music and he can play the guitar. (A)

6. You can wear that T-shirt if you want. (P)

7. Can you dance the tango? (A)

8. My baby sister cannot read or write. (A)

9. Can I buy a new mobile phone in that shop? (P)

iskazievt: в 8 cannot read
luind: Да, точняк. По смыслу подходит, но я уже использовал это слово.
iskazievt: Ну измени
iskazievt: там типо моя младшая сестра не умеет читать
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