Тема: Conditionals
1-25 задание включительно
Решение до утра нужно
Заранее спасибо огромное



1)if she comes late she will lose her job.
2)if i am free on sunday i will go to the mountains.
3)If I were free on Sunday, we would go to the mountains.
4)if you quit smoking a few years ago you would feel much better now.
5)if it hadn't rained yesterday we would have played tennis.
6)if she politely asks me I might help her.
7)if she asked me politely I might have helped her and she did this work last week.
8)if you spoke slowly i could understand you.
9)you would not catch a cold if you put on a coat.
10)You would have won the competition on Sunday if you ran faster.

Прости остальное небыло времени!

konstanta1270: Допиши, пожалуйста! Мне действительно ОЧЕНЬ нужно!!!
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