1. Fill in the gaps. Use the list of the verb:

Like, eat, jump, drink, run, swim, live, go.

1. Mary _____ bananas.

2. Dogs _____ meat.

3. Rabbits _____ well.

4. Cat _____ milk.

5. Tigers _____ well.

6. Fish _____ well.

7. Alice _____ in the house.

8. My friends and I _____ to school together.

И еще.. Можете пожалуйста сделать к этим всем предложениям: отрицательные предложения, вопросительные..)


Ответ дал: arisshadreamer
1)Mary likes bananas. Mary doesn't like bananas. Does Mary like bananas?
2)Dogs eat meat. Dogs don't eat meat. Do dogs eat meat?
3)Rabbits jump well. Rabbits don't jump well. Do rabbits jump well?
4)Cat drinks milk. Cat doesn't drink milk. Does cat drink milk?
5)Tigers run well. Tigers don't run well. Do tigers run well?
6)Fish swim well. Fish don't swim well. Do fish swim well?
7)Alice lives in the house. Alice doesn't live in the house. Does Alice live in the house
8)My friends and I go to school together. My friends and I don't go to school together. Do my friends and I go to school together?
Ответ дал: khadija4382
1. Mary likes bananas.
2. Dogs eat meat.
3. Rabbits jump well.
4. Cat drinks milk.
5. Tigers run well.
6. Fish swim well.
7. Alice lives in the house.
8. My friends and I go to school together.

1. Mary doesn't like bananas.
2. Dogs don't eat meat.
3. Rabbits don't jump well.
4. Cat doesn't drink milk.
5. Tigers don't run well.
6. Fish don't swim well.
7. Alice doesn't live in the house.
8. My friends and I don't go to school together.


1. Does Mary like bananas?
2. Does dogs eat meat?
3. Are rabbits jump well?
4. Does cat drink milk?
5. Are tigers run well?
6. Are fish swim well?
7. Does Alice live in the house?
8. Are you and your friends go to school together?
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