Fill in: is, are, then answer the questions

1. ............. Laura new to the school? Yes, .....................
2. ............. Tim in Grade 5? No, ..............
3. ............. Paul and Steve at secondary school? Yes, ...............
4. ............. Jane and Claire in Grade 7? No, ..............
5. ............. Laura and Jane at primary school? Yes, .............


Ответ дал: Alphaeus
1. Is Laura new to the school? Yes, she is.
2. Is Tim in Grade 5? No, he isn't.
3. Are Paul and Steve at secondary school? Yes, they are.
4. Are Jane and Claire in Grade 7? No, they aren't.
5. Are Laura and Jane at primary school? Yes, they are.

Алёна2289: Спасибо от мальчика славы который живёт кирове он сумошедший
Алёна2289: Не. Спасибо
Алёна2289: Играйте. Вт. Тимфортрес
Алёна2289: Не слушайте
Алёна2289: Меня
Алёна2289: Она
Алёна2289: Не слушает
Алёна2289: Ах
Алёна2289: 79*79*79*7*977*9999999****99999*
Алёна2289: Он идиот
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