Подскажите, пожалуйста!!!



Ответ дал: mmaximov
I usually brush my teeth
I usually have coffee for breakfast
I usually watch movies
I usually go for a walk with my friends
I usually go to my Grandma's house
I usually have a winter holiday
We usually have a big christmas dinner
Ответ дал: luind

2) I always take a shower.

3) I never drink coffe or tea for breakfast.

4) Sometimes I surf the Interner or watch TV.

5) Usually I meet with my friends.

6) Occasionally I got to the cinema.

7) Usually I have winter holidays.

8) We always gather together at home.

Это так, примерно. Тут о тебе спрашивается, поэтому тебе самой надо отвечать, а то я не знаю твои привычки и распорядок дня.

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