underline the correct word.
1) The competitor/ambassador brought the documents to the parlaments.
2) The ambassador/merchant travelled a lot and sold different goods
3) The competitor/merchant ran slower and she won the race
4) We always have good relations/signatures with France
5) Your signature/sign should be at the end of the letter
6) He signed/relations the passport and left the country
7) They stopped at the river mouth/signature to enjoy the view
8) The representatives/merchant of the party came to the meeting


Ответ дал: idabri

1) The ambassador brought the documents to the parlaments.

2) The merchant travelled a lot and sold different goods

3) The competitor ran slower and she won the race

4) We always have good relations with France

5) Your signature should be at the end of the letter

6) He signedthe passport and left the country

7) They stopped at the river mouth to enjoy the view

8) The representatives of the party came to the meeting

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