Перепишите предложения, вставляя нужные предлоги. Переведите на русский язык.
1. They live ... the building ... the end of the street.
2. I saw him ... the bus yesterday. He waved me when we arrived ... the bus station. 17
3. My grandmother lives ... a small village not far ... the city.
4. We stopped ... a nice hotel ... the way to London.
5. They live ... King Street, ... number 151.


Ответ дал: liriz
they live in.
l saw him are the bus
My grandmother lives he a
больше незнаю!!!

victoriay2005: спасибо
victoriay2005: извините хотела поставить 5 звезд, а он поставил 4.
Вас заинтересует