write the correct degree of comparison.Write their names. 8 years old,10 years old, 12 years old, 13 years old. My name's Steve. I've got three brothers, San,John and Kevin. John is..... (old) than me. San is ...(old) of us. Kevin is ...(young) than me. John is ...(tall) of us. He's ...(tall) than San. But San is ...(clever) of all the brothers. Kevin is ... (noisy) of us. We play basketball every day. I'm ... (fast) and ... (good) player in our team(команда). We think basketball is ...(interesting) game. I't's ... (interesting) than any computer game. помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: faithnefy13

влад2399: огромное вам спасибо. спасли меня))
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