Complete the text with the words in the box.

worth impressive traditional friendly exciting miss unique recommend buildings

Dear Jo
I am so glad to hear that you are going to visit Kyoto. It is a very 1) ............ and 2) ............ city and the people are very 3) ............, too! If you like interesting 4) ..........., go to the east part of the city. You can see many 5) ............ houses called ‘machiya’. The Golden Pavilion in the north west is well 6) ............ visiting, too. There is no building like it in the city. It is absolutely 7) ............! Finally, don’t 8) ............ a trip to the hot springs at Arashiyama.
I 9) ............ that you have a foot bath while you are there! It’s very relaxing.
Best wishes

Choose the correct answer.
1. Jacques Cousteau ……… the oceans.
A explores B explored C is exploring
2. I ……… an interesting book at the moment.
A don’t read B read C am reading
3. I ………a noise, so I went to see what it was.
A heard B hear C am hearing
4. Bobby ………how to use a computer at present.
A learnt B is learning C learns
5. The ferry boat ……… every day at quarter past two.
A leaves B leave C is leaving
6. I ………getting up early in the morning.
A likes B don’t like C doesn’t like
7. The earth ………round the sun.
A moved B moves C is moving
8. Sarah ……… a new car last week.
A is buying B buy C bought
9. I ………when suddenly the dog began to bark.
A study B studied C was studying
10. They ………hard at the moment.
A are working B were working C worked
11. I ……… home from work when it began to snow.
A am walking B walk C was walking
12. Walt Disney ……… Mickey Mouse.
A was creating B creates C created
13. We …….. for a new house at the moment.
A are looking B look C looked
14. Ted ……… his father in the garden every Sunday.
A was helping B helps C is helping
15. The ferry to Calais ……… at 3 o’clock every day.
A leave B leaves C was leaving


Ответ дал: MaryGuts

Слова для текста

1) unique

2) impressive

3) friendly

4) buildings

5) traditional

6) recommend

7)  exciting

8) worth

9) miss



2 - C

3 - A

4 - C

5 - A

6 - B

7 - B

8 - C

9 - C

10 - A

11 - C

12 - C

13 - B

14 - B

15 -

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