Вставить в предложения правильный предлог времени (at,in,on) 1.I always get up _ _ _ _ 7 o’clock _ _ _ _ weekdays and _ _ _ _ 9 o’clock _ _ _ _ the weekends. 2. Both my little brother and I were born _ _ _ _ the same month. His birthday is _ _ _ _ 10th April and I was born _ _ _ _ 30th. 3. _ _ _ _ the moment we are practising prepositions of time. 4. In England it often rains _ _ _ _ spring. 5. My father is a doctor and he sometimes works _ _ _ _ night. 6. Our neighbours moved in next door _ _ _ _ 1998. 7.My grandma started learning English _ _ _ _ the age of 40. 8. _ _ _ _ the past people didn’t travel so much. 9.James proposed to Linda _ _ _ _ sunrise It was very romantic. 10. We usually go rollerblading _ _ _ _ Saturday morning.


Ответ дал: mikirin94

1. at, on, at, on

2. in, on, on

3. at,

4. in




8. In

9. at

10. on

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